Tag: Happiness


What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness

What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness

antonfoek What keeps us happy and healthy as we go through life? If you think it’s fame and money, you’re not alone – but, according to psychiatrist Robert Waldinger, you’re mistaken. As the director of a 75-year-old study on adult development, Waldinger has unprecedented access to data on true happiness and satisfaction. In this talk,…
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How to master antifragility for a happier life

Jonathan Haidt “Resilience” is being able to withstand hardship; “antifragility” goes one step further. “Resilience” is being able to withstand hardship. “Antifragility” goes one step further. The term, first coined by author Nassim Taleb, describes systems or entities that don’t just withstand adversity, but actually benefit and grow stronger from it. In many ways, antifragility…
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Proud Mary

Coffee at 140 $ a cup

A café in Melbourne, Australia offers its customers a unique experience by serving a cup of coffee for 140 dollars, 50 times the market price. The city of Melbourne has a tradition of coffee culture, which was fostered by Italian and Greek migration from the 1940s. For those seeking an experience at another level, the…
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Le Chemin du Bonheur Foto Brachet

Le Chemin du Bonheur

A feature film of Nicolas Steil 14ème ÉDITION FESTIVAL DUFILM FRANCOPHONE D’ANGOULÊMESÉLECTION EN COMPÉTITION OFFICIELLE Le Chemin du Bonheur, the feature film by Nicolas Steil, was presented for the first time in the presence of the film’s crew this Friday, August 27, 2021 as part of its selection in official competition at the Angoulême Francophone…
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Gorilla kisses Baby

First-Time Gorilla Mom Can’t Stop Showering Newborn With Kisses

Calaya is a first-time mother at the Smithsonian Zoo who couldn’t stop kissing her newborn right after she gave birth.

Counting Pennies with a Broken Soul

Our Own Story of Life

Our Life Our Story Part II A. van Veelen Amsterdam, June 28th 2021– Anyone selling gossip is shooting him/herself in the foot.  Branding comes from burning.  You burn your fingers somewhere. Just look at the influencer without a last name. Zero experience with buying Chinese mouth caps, and yet he talked a hundred million into…
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Life Story

Caught in our own stories

The Story of Life Part I Essay In this era of personal branding, it’s all about stories. It makes us blind to reality, says A van Veelen. Amsterdam, June 28th 2021–We keep ourselves captive in the stories we tell.  For years I told everyone who wanted to hear that I had a lazy eye as…
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Richard Dawkins Time

Thoughts about Time

What it is and why Amsterdam, 21 April 2021– I wished I had known Richard Dawkins long before, in order to be able to listen to him and his mesmerizing theory about Life, Happiness, the concept of Time. I wished I had been able to write his books, but that is not necessary. He did it all. …
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Othello Shakespeare

Happiness to your sheets Shakespeare and Verdi

Making the beast with the two Backs Amsterdam, Feb. 25 2021– Long ago, really long ago, when growing up from a child to a young man, I became fascinated by a comment with a, for me then and at that time, strongly sexual connotation. A comment triggered as a lifelong and equally beautiful experience.  One…
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Friendship Nietzsche

Friendship and Happiness Masterclass

Amsterdam, 24 Feb. 2021 — My good and faithful friend, Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) is, according to many, not only a philosopher of the first order and category, but also a poet and one who thinks in prose. In his philosophical novel Also Sprach Zarathustra, published in parts now almost some 140 years ago, through the…
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