Category: Philosophy / Lifestyle


What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness

What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness

antonfoek What keeps us happy and healthy as we go through life? If you think it’s fame and money, you’re not alone – but, according to psychiatrist Robert Waldinger, you’re mistaken. As the director of a 75-year-old study on adult development, Waldinger has unprecedented access to data on true happiness and satisfaction. In this talk,…
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Borobudur boutique hotel in Jakarta

The Family of the Family

eyesonindonesia Surabaya, March 8th 2024– As a young boy growing up in Palembang, East Sumatra, Indonesia, Kaharuddin Salamun, had his dreams, of course. He also had the urge of seeing the world and bringing changes in what he was going to do later in life.  He now is the General Manager of the Majapahit hotel…
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Two Subterranean Giants: A Tale of Two Cities

Two Subterranean Giants: A Tale of Two Cities

Beneath the bustling streets of New York City and Moscow lie two iconic subway systems, each mirroring the soul of its metropolis. While both transport millions daily, their histories, social roles, and what they tell us about society paint dramatically different pictures. From Utilitarian Roots to Grand Designs: Divergent Histories NYC’s subway, born in 1904,…
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How to master antifragility for a happier life

Jonathan Haidt “Resilience” is being able to withstand hardship; “antifragility” goes one step further. “Resilience” is being able to withstand hardship. “Antifragility” goes one step further. The term, first coined by author Nassim Taleb, describes systems or entities that don’t just withstand adversity, but actually benefit and grow stronger from it. In many ways, antifragility…
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Why strive? Stephen Fry reads Nick Cave’s letter on the threat of computed creativity

In the events series Letters Live, performers read notable letters – old and new, original and written by others – in front of a live audience. In this video, as part of the Letters Live event at London’s Royal Albert Hall in November 2023, the British comedian and writer Stephen Fry reads a letter by…
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Life Has No Meaning

If Life Has No Meaning, Why Live? | Albert Camus

Art must not compromise with lies and servitude which, wherever they rule, breed solitude. Whatever our personal weaknesses may be, the nobility of our craft will always be rooted in two commitments, difficult to maintain: the refusal to lie about what one knows and the resistance to oppression.

The Stranger Albert Camus
Anthony Nesty on How Swimming Has Changed

No Longer Just ‘Goggles and a Suit’: Anthony Nesty on How Swimming Has Changed

The first Black head coach of a U.S. Olympic swimming team talks to us about diversity in the sport and coaching in the Instagram era. At the 1988 Seoul Games, Anthony Nesty, middle, became the first Black swimmer to win an Olympic gold medal. He was recently named the coach for the U.S. men’s team…
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Bluefin Tuna

Why Bluefin Tuna Is So Expensive

A tuna once sold for $1.8 million, but you can get cans of tuna fish for less than $2 at the grocery store. So, what’s the difference? Bluefin tuna can be very expensive depending on where you buy it and which part of the fish you are eating. We spoke with the chef at Shoji…
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Amsterdam: The European capital fighting bad tourists

Amsterdam: The European capital fighting bad tourists

The Dutch capital is only home to about 800,000 people but draws up to 20 million tourists a year. Now, new policies are encouraging sustainable tourism to everyone. On a recent weekday, sunlight streamed through the clouds high above Amsterdam, casting rays on the city’s gabled buildings, its arching bridges and a sign in English…
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