Tag: Literature


Man In Rabat/ Morocco Sits And is Always Reading

Man In Rabat/ Morocco Sits And is Always Reading 

Everyday At His Bookstore  antonfoek Mr. Aziz’s passion for reading is immediately infectious and moreover also extremely inspiring to all who encounter him and appreciate the transformative power of literature.  He has, no doubt, become a living legend in the heart of Morocco’s capital city of Rabat, a man whose life compltely revolves around the simple yet…
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Sisyphus’ Burden: How Camus’ Absurdity Shaped Our World

In a world often defined by purpose and meaning, Albert Camus’ “The Myth of Sisyphus” throws down a gauntlet of existential dread. Published in 1942, this philosophical essay explores the absurdity of life through the lens of the condemned Sisyphus, endlessly pushing a boulder up a mountain only to have it roll back down. But…
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The Stranger Albert Camus

The Road Not Taken…by Robert Frost

The Road Not Taken” is one of the most inspiring poems of American literature. It may take you down a path of regret or pride based on your unique journey. It reflects the long-lasting impact of the choices people make in life. As it says: ‘I doubted if I should ever come back.’ Choose carefully…
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Ennis Cehic

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

May 2022  By: ENNIS ĆEHIĆ Amsterdam, May 25th 2022–Though it seemed to be impossible, even miraculous, it really, really happened. Jim, 25, from Brooklyn, a ‘creatively ambitious’ and ‘peer-oriented’ fashion buyer was standing in front of the mirror in his bedroom when he noticed something abnormal happening on the chest pocket of his new T-shirt. The…
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Online Book Salon Slavery in the East and the West

On Thursday, March 24, Karwan Fatah-Black, associate professor of colonial history, Alicia Schrikker, associate professor of general history, and Carl Haarnack, founder of Buku – Bibliotheca Surinamica, will be guests in the online book salon of University Libraries Leiden (UBL). Chief Curator Garrelt Verhoeven will talk to them about the books ‘Slavernij en beschaving Kleine…
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Albert Camus Struggle

Algerian Chronicles 

The struggle of Albert Camus Niek Pas / antonfoek.com Amsterdam, March 7, 2022– In the lockdown of 2020, many people reached for The Plague. This classic from the oeuvre of Albert Camus (1913-1960), about a plague outbreak in Oran, is at the same time a poignant questioning of solidarity.  They also apply to the recently published…
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Albert Camus Nobel Prize sitting

Albert Camus: How to Live in the Present

In this video we will be talking about how to live in the present from the philosophy of Albert Camus. Albert Camus is one of the most representative figures of the philosophy of the “absurd” or “absurdism”. Here are 7 ways you can make most of your present from the philosophy of Albert Camus- Have…
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Neon Dystopia

David Eggers: Suspicion, Sadness and Sabotage

Technology is Everything and more  Soon we ( mankind ) will be living in our own self and home made jungle. Monstrous technology determines everything, including who your friend is: Eggers’ new novel. Auke Hulst  & Anton F. Amsterdam, October 29th 2021 — In other times David Eggers [ author, Boston 1970 ] wrote a worldwide…
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IF by- Rudyard Kipling 1910 edition cover

If – By Rudyard Kipling read by Sir Michael Caine

If you can keep your head when all about you        Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,    If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,     But make allowance for their doubting too;    If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,     Or being lied about, don’t deal in…
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