Tag: Suriname


Michael absorbeert de lessen van de Ajax Challenge

Michael absorbeert de lessen van de Ajax Challenge om droom waarheid te maken:

‘Werken bij de Marechaussee’ antonfoek De deur zwaait open van het klaslokaal naast het oude trainingsveld van Ajax. Het gebouw kijkt uit op het grasveld waar spelers als Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Jari Litmanen en Rafael van der Vaart zich in het zweet werkten. De Johan Cruijff ArenA statig op de achtergrond. In de deuropening staat de…
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What were you doing while the forests were burning and the city was drowning?

antonfoek John Goedschalk is the Nature Based Solutions pioneer with over a decade of experience in climate finance, carbon credit development and climate and conservation program design  Amsterdam, June 2, 2024 –In march of 2011, I learnt that climate change was going to make the city of Paramaribo I loved virtually uninhabitable due to increased temperatures…
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Message from the deepest of my soul and heart

Message from the deepest of my soul and heart

Anton JieSamFoek / eyesonsuriname Message from the deepest of my soul and heart to those who mean well with repairing and polishing the country: Being part of the problem is no solution for Suriname. Being part of a productive and creative solution is. Oftewel: Maak geen deel uit van het immens en all-over grote sociaal, financieel,…
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Lula on international trip

Lula on international trip

Not Visiting Suriname eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 27 january 2024– Last year, the organization grouping 54 African nations, became a permanent member of the G20, a group that brings together the world’s 19 richest economies plus the European Union (EU). This year, Brazil chairs the G20 and will host the summit of the group’s heads of state…
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«I will not stop. I won’t stand by as they dismantle Suriname’s forest»

Suriname activist John Goedschalk is seeking 10.000 signatures to save 560,000 hectares of Suriname’s virgin rainforest. Surinamese activist, John Goedschalk, has become acutely aware of what is happening to the beloved forests of Suriname. This awareness has grown as an international campaign unfolds, urging Suriname’s president to halt plans for large-scale agriculture that would deforest…
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1982 in Paramaribo, Suriname at the Fort Zeelandia,15 of my fellow country men were killed

1982 in Paramaribo, Suriname at the Fort Zeelandia,15 of my fellow country men were killed

On December 8th,1982 in Paramaribo, Suriname at the Fort Zeelandia,15 of my fellow country men were killed by the military for their belief in a better, more just and honest society.   In remembrance of their premature and unnecessary death and the death of a much beloved country I dedicate this Adagio for Strings music…
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International visibility increases Finland’s influence

International visibility increases Finland’s influence

Helsinki could do a little bit more in Suriname   eyesonsuriname   Amsterdam, May 17 2023 — The other day eyesonsuriname.com was chatting with a new friend from Finland. He was kind of puzzled about the role of his home country in the world and said something in the order of: ” Yes, but those strong countries have…
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The trouble with Suriname

The trouble with Suriname

The trouble with Suriname is that all wise men there, are full of doubts, while the idiots, criminals and stupid ones are full of confidence.

Aai-, dear, dear Steven, My esteem and respect for you, since the days when I visited you when you still studied so incredibly hard in the U.S. of A. and to which I even devoted a radio story, is boundlessly great. Your statement about suspending parliament in Suriname to save the country in various areas is in principle good and interesting. But now that I try to think about it further and deeper, I believe that other solutions must be found and sought after. 01) After the Second World War, the IMF, as an offshoot of Bretton Woods, saved Western Europe from ruin and poverty with good and respectful management of the money. So your comment that they are good for nothing is not entirely correct. I really understand very well that times have changed, but still. The distribution of wealth, albeit in fits and starts in Europe, is much better now in 2023 than elsewhere. And some countries prosper. 02) However, suspending parliament for five years is a very big question mark. Plans to return power to parliament after a certain time – such as the five years you are talking about – have already been tried and implemented in various countries. It is true: the economy could flourish again and achieve growth. But: [ what could be the results and at what human costs ] That’s why social history is so interesting. On our own continent: 01) Brazil 1964 with Marshal Castelo Branco and his successors lasted until 1989, the generals also had the plan to make it only five years. I was able to shake the hand of the last general in question Joao Figueiredo and still have a sore arm left. It is true that the economy has grown enormously and Brazil has been able to join the so-called BRIC countries thanks to a great variety of factors, mainly from the private sector and has quickly overtaken us in Suriname. But the better distribution of wealth was not due to the generals, but to an economist and president, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, who inspired Lula to better distribute the proceeds of taxes and all other incomes and, in return, demanded that the poor had to send their children to school and feed them well. ( And training of teachers, of course ) In this way, 38 million people have been lifted out of severe poverty.

Suspending the Parliament in Suriname – Pros and Cons in the Historic Context

Aai-, dear, dear Steven, My esteem and respect for you, since the days when I visited you when you still studied so incredibly hard in the U.S. of A. and to which I even devoted a radio story, is boundlessly great. Your statement about suspending parliament in Suriname to save the country in various areas…
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Stanley Brouwn

Unknown Surinam Artist and My Hero Strolls around the Earth

Stanley Brouwn [ Paramaribo 1935 – Amsterdam 2017] antonfoek Amsterdam, January 28, 2023– Perhaps it would have been better if there had been no obituary by Stanley Brouwn here. Or if nothing at all is said about the artist, who died in Amsterdam on May 18, in this obituary. If even his birthplace and year…
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