Tag: Reporter


CCTV Beijing

Reporters looking for a job in Beijing, London and Elsewhere – II

The New China Story Amsterdam, Feb. 18th 2021 — At the same time, Beijing is also seeking to shift the global center of gravity eastwards, propagating the idea of a new world order with a resurgent China at its center. Of course, influence campaigns are nothing new; the US and the UK, among others, have…
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Reporter looking for a job in Beijing, London and Elsewhere

The China Story Amsterdam– Feb. 18th 2021 The very beginning is, when Sidney Rittenberg, The Man who stayed Behind, receives me in his home near Seattle, in the State of Washington in the U.S. He was living in China as a US Army renegade and deserter ending up to be Chairmans Mao’s trusted American. But…
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Sam Summerlin

The Very Talented And Honourable Sam Summerlin

Con or no-conman Amsterdam, Feb. 10th 2021– First time I went to Astoria, New York, to the address Sam had given me, the owner of the building laughed at me when we met and I asked for Sam. He grinned somehow and said:  ‘ No, no, there is no Sam Summerlin living here. Does he…
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