Tag: Climate Change


What were you doing while the forests were burning and the city was drowning?

antonfoek John Goedschalk is the Nature Based Solutions pioneer with over a decade of experience in climate finance, carbon credit development and climate and conservation program design  Amsterdam, June 2, 2024 –In march of 2011, I learnt that climate change was going to make the city of Paramaribo I loved virtually uninhabitable due to increased temperatures…
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African countries are fed up with being marginalised in global institutions

They will be pushing hard for change at a big global pow-wow this week On June 22nd, Emmanuel Macron, the President of France, organized a development-finance gathering in Paris to address crucial global matters such as World Bank restructuring, climate finance, and debt distress. The meeting boasted of a significant number of influential individuals, including…
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I adore Penguins 🐧 and believe most of the world does too.

The Fascinating World of Penguins: A Look at the Different Species and Their Unique Behaviors Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a penguin? To waddle around on the ice, to dive into the icy waters, and to live in the coldest places on Earth? Penguins are some of the most…
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