Tag: Henri Matisse


Pablo Picasso and Françoise Gilot in Antibes

Inspiration and Love in Antibes

Françoise Gilot and Picasso A.F. Amsterdam/Antibes, August 18th 2021– Overlooking the Riviera coast, the Château Grimaldi in Antibes provides a dramatic setting for the world’s first museum dedicated to the works of Pablo Picasso The imposing medieval fortress in Antibes known as the Château Grimaldi was used by Pablo Picasso as a studio in 1946,…
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Henri Matisse Chapel Vence

Henri Matisse: The teacher

The Chapel in Vence AF Amsterdam, August 14, 2021–Don’t beat around the bush and we’re certainly not going to lie to each other, but when we visit the Chapel of the Rosary in Vence, near Nice on the Riviera in  Southern France, it’s not necessarily out of love for sacred art.  It is rather and…
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