Fa joe kan tak mi no mooi ?


Fa joe kan tak mi no mooi ?

Q&A with Noam Chomsky about the Future of our world
V&A met Noam Chomsky over de toekomst van onze wereld.

We vroegen Noam Chomsky naar de toekomst van onze wereld, onze regerings- en machtssystemen en onze noodzaak om samen te komen om de uitdagingen van onze tijd aan te pakken. De gelauwerde professor en publieke intellectueel deelde zijn gedachten met UArizona College of Social & Behavioral Sciences Dean Lori Poloni-Staudinger.


The stories on antonfoek seem to delight the producers, readers and writers alike.
Presumably appealing to their diverse interests as a reflection of life itself.
I have had the privilege of looking after and reading several issues times and times over again. And on each occasion I have been struck by the breadth and unexpectedness of the topics that get pitched.
Somehow, they all fall in together to make a satisfying whole, leaving us readers behind with a hunger for more.

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Één reactie

  1. A. schreef:

    Noam Chomsky is one of the master giants in clear and sharp thinking and analysis of our time.
    Thanks for having him on.

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